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RV Solar & Lithium Systems

Why Solar?

Imagine the freedom to adventure off-grid to new remote destinations without hassle or worry about energy sources. Instead you’ll have the peace of mind that only solar’s renewable + safe power source provides. Stuck in a parking lot or stranded with an emergency? Solar is there. Never again will you have to fear running of your power source running dry. Solar actually extends your battery by 50%! Even more, solar frees you from the rigid confines of state parks whose use of generators is limited to a small window of time daily. And let’s face it, generators are great…but NOISY. Kiss that noise goodbye forever by upgrading to solar.

RVTECH & Marine is the RV Solar Company with your RV Solar & Lithium System Solution!

Did you know that the stored power that was free from the sun, is now being used to run 12 Volt appliances for free?!

Or it can be inverted to run 110 volt appliances, like house style refrigerators, when dry camping and even when in transit even if its in a travel trailer or 5th wheel!

Eliminate the need to drive down the road and start the generator for power, or the need to run that refrigerator on propane to keep the food cold.

Solar power is the answer! Let’s take a stroll down Solar lane to learn why:


RV Solar 101: Everything You Need to Know

Let’s rewind to the beginning, shall we? Your solar system is made of crucial components that MUST work in harmony in order to collect, save and expend power for all of your RV lifestyle needs. When it comes to solar, compatibility is key in order for your system to work smoothly and efficiently. RVTECH & Marine’s solar experts will craft the perfect solar system to seamlessly meet and exceed all of your expectations. So, first things first, let’s take a stroll down solar lane and teach you the ins and outs of your exciting RV Solar Experience. 

Compatibility is Key: The Piece-Meal Approach Has No Place in Solar

And neither does the spaghetti-technique, where things are thrown together to see what “sticks”. Solar demands high standards for excellence, and so should you, which is why RVTECH & Marine has been known as “The Solar Capital of SouthWest Florida.” We deliver nothing short of excellence. We ensure everything from your panels to wattage to mounting are all compatible in order to ensure the best experience. 

Solar Panel Types: If You Go Cheap, Expect to Buy Twice

Solar panels consist of individual solar cells that take sunlight and turn it into energy via direct current electricity. This DC energy charges your RV’s batteries which fuels the power for all of your appliances. Given that solar will be the life force for your RV, you’ll want to make a smart investment on high quality solar panels that will become the “foundation” for your solar system. Here at RVTECH & Marine, we want to see you happy which is why we supply only panels with the BEST value and HIGHEST efficiency that are SPACE-SAVING, monocrystalline panels.

1. Amorphous Panels

  • Least expensive
  • Least efficient
  • Take up the most space

2. Polycrystalline Panels

  • Middle of the road expense
  • More efficient than amorphous panels
  • Take up half the space of amorphous panels

3. Monocrystalline Panels (BEST VALUE)

  • Most expensive but last longest = BEST VALUE
  • Most efficient
  • Take up the least space
  • Comes with a 25 YEAR WARRANTY
At RVTECH & Marine, we have the highest performing monocrystalline panels, even in diffused light conditions, exclusively created for RVTECH & Marine. All modules are tested 100% by EL during the production process and free from micro-cracks, are highly efficient, reliable and provide optimal output. Even more, our modules are in full compliance with global standard including MNRE, IEC 61215, 61730-2, 61701, UL-1703 ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2008 and 18001: 2007.

Rigid vs. Flexible Solar Panels: Think Warranty + Durability

Flexible panels are typically used for special circumstances (i.e., when there are weight/height limitations or panels need molding to accommodate curved areas) and tend to be more damage-stricken, as they are 80% lighter than rigid solar panels.
On the flipside, rigid panels are more common. Constructed with tempered glass, these panels come with much longer warranty periods and are more durable than flexible solar panels.


Lithium Batteries: Your Solar System’s Heartbeat

Your solar system hinges on your batteries. That’s why at RVTECH & Marine we step over the limitations of other batteries and only offer you the best: 12V 100 Amp Expion 360 Lithium Batteries, as well as Victron and Battleborn batteries. Lithium batteries brings you unsurpassed + unmatched benefits that other batteries won’t offer:

  • Best Performance
  • Highest charging efficiency
  • Maintenance-free
  • Safe
  • Long-life cycle

We get it, the higher price tag may be causing some doubt and hesitation to creep in. Let’s replace that lack mindset with a longevity mindset. You see, solar is the new way. New adventures. New freedoms. Big picture living. Accurate mindset. The accurate way of looking at your solar system is through the lens of compatibility, efficiency and longevity. Any corners cut in these three areas will undoubtedly cause unforeseen hiccups and the worst, buyers remorse. 

We have seen thousands of RV solar systems + installations. We know what works, what doesn’t; what will create a return on investment, and what will cause a return of headaches. That’s why we pierce through all the options and simply offer you the best. No corners cut, no splitting headaches later. Instead, a smart investment now + a lifetime of joy-filled adventures & shout-from-the-rooftops-freedom.

Battery Voltage & Quantity: Your Energy Consumption Map

Once we congratulate you on your smart investment in solar, we will sit down and create your Energy Consumption Map. The amount of batteries you will need to power your solar system will depend on the energy consumption of your RV. We will segment this map into actual + projected consumption in order to craft the perfect solar system with room to grow. 

RV batteries can be wired in a series to form a battery bank that provides higher voltage. Alternatively, they can be connected in parallel to form a battery bank that offers greater capacity. The results of your Energy Consumption Map will yield the best course of action. 

If lithium batteries are the heart of your RV solar system, the voltage current is the veins. So which voltage current is best for your solar needs? Well, first things first. The majority of your RV appliance need 12v current, so at a minimum, you will need two 6v batteries connected in series. Six-volt batteries are great if your plan is to have a large battery bank or desire max power. Here at RVTECH & Marine, we run 4-6 batteries for longevity + a higher replenishment rate so you always have what you need, when you need it. 

PWM vs. MPPT Solar Charge Controllers: Which is Best for You?

Solar Charge Controller 101

A solar charge controller is the “middle man” between your energy source and storage. In a nutshell, it secures the life of your battery by preventing overcharging. When your batteries are low, the solar charge controller provides a full flow of current from your panels to refill your battery banks. Once a 100% charge is reached, the controller caps the current flowing from your panels to the batteries.

Specifically, solar charge controllers safeguard your solar system’s efficiency from the dreaded spikes + drops caused by ever-changing variables such as your battery’s charge state, sunlight and temperature. Despite all of these variables that can send your RV solar system into an efficiency black hole, solar charge controllers ensure a constant, steady optimal power flow. Without a solar charge controller, you are at high risk for battery drainage and even loss of battery life. With a solar charge controller, its smart technology will sense when stored power falls below 50% capacity and will shut down the system safely. The result? Longer battery life.

Additional safeguard benefits:

  1. Overload protection: If the current flowing into the batteries exceeds what the circuit can handle, you are at severe risk of overload. The danger? Overload can turn into overheating and CAUSE A FIRE. But you can bypass the risk of a fire with a charge controller that PROTECTS against overload. 
  2. Low voltage disconnects: This works as an automatic disconnect of non-critical loads from the battery when the voltage falls below a predefined threshold. It will automatically reconnect to the battery when it is being charged. This will prevent an over-discharge and protects equipment from operating at dangerously low voltages.
  3. Block Reverse Currents: Solar panels pump current through your battery in one direction. Without a charge controller, at night, panels may naturally pass some of that current in the reverse direction, causing a slight battery discharge. Charge controllers act as a valve and prevent this from happening.

Pulse Width Modulation Charge Controllers (PWM)

The pulse width modulation controller reduces current gradually, hence its name “pulse width modulation” in order to regulate the flow of energy to the battery. When batteries are full, these charge controllers continue to supply a small amount of power to maintain battery fullness. 


  • Affordable
  • Perfect for smaller systems 
  • Great for warm, sunny climates
  • Less components = longer lifespan
  1. Less efficiency than MPPT charge controllers
  2. Not suitable for large or complex systems

Maximum Power Point Tracking Charge Controller (MPPT)

Maximum power point tracking controllers are incredible at utilizing the full range of power from your solar panels for battery charging. They safeguard against overcharging by limiting their output. Additionally, they regulate your solar system’s current through monitoring and adjusting their input as needed. These charge controllers boost the current and step down the voltage. As a result, the overall output will increase and your efficiency ratings will reach and exceed 90%. For instance, during a cloudy day, your MPPT controller will lower the amount the current extracted in order to keep an optimal voltage at the panel’s output. Once it’s sunny again, the MPPT controller will permit more current from the solar panel. 
  • High-efficiency
  • Perfect for larger systems 
  • Great for colder, cloudy climates
What is a Charge Controller’s Upper Limit?

The upper limit is the max amount of voltage the charge controllers can handle safely. A safety-MUST is knowing the upper voltage limit of your controllers so you don’t accidentally burn out your solar charge controller. 


RV Power Inverters + Subpanels: Modified Sine vs. Pure Sine Waves

Your RV’s power inverter converts the energy you need to run your 120V AC appliances from the 12V DC power supplied from your RV batteries. But not all power inverters are equal. Let that sink in. There are some special considerations when choosing an RV power inverter. First things first: let’s talk sine waves. Modified sine waves, used by the older inverters, recreate the AC power profile in your RV. Sure, your RV appliances will run off modified sine waves BUT not optimally. Your RV appliances run BEST and EFFICIENTLY off of pure sine waves, aka a pure sine wave inverter. 


If You are Searching for an RV Solar Company with Styles + Applications to Fit Your Unique Needs, You’ve Found It!

Do You Use “High-Consumption” Devices + Appliances? Our RV Solar Systems Got You Covered!

Stay happy and entertained at any hour with 110 Volt power supply for microwave, internet use, and videogames, TVs, coffeepot, toaster, phone and computer chargers, video players, basically anything, even high consumption appliances like electric water heaters, and roof top air conditioners!

Because there are no moving parts, maintenance is effortless and operation is completely quiet! Can you see how easy this is?

Take advantage of this attractive investment today!


RVTECH & Marine Offers Solar Mounting Systems Too!

Mounting your RV’s solar panels is just as important to performance as your solar system itself. That’s why RVTECH & Marine offers you an array of solar mounting solutions to fit your needs! Which mounting solution is right for you is depends on how you use your RV. So let’s take a look at the options, shall we? 

Plan on Staying in 1 Place for a While? You Need a Tilted Mounting System (aka Angled Mounting)

Here’s why:

Tilted mounting, sometimes called angled mounting, allows solar panels to be tilted at an angle from the roof of the RV so the panels are more directly facing the sun. However, most solar panels will break from the force of the wind if left in this position while driving, so tilted mounting racks are designed to be able to return to a flat mounted position.



  • Up to 35% more efficient power production than flat mounting
  • Heat dissipates more easily, causing less power fluctuation
  • Easier to keep clean


  • Can break if not put down before driving
  • Most must be lowered manually, meaning a trip to the top of the RV before every drive
  • Can’t be used in high wind, and may be damaged by unexpected wind gusts
  • Will raise the vehicle’s profile
  • Must park in the sun to be effective
  • More racking hardware required

Plan to Travel Frequently? You Need a Flat Mounting System

Here’s Why
Great for both crystalline panels and thin film solar panels, flat mounting is the simplest mounting solution. Although super easy, it isn’t necessarily the most efficient utilization of space. 


  • No need to adjust or rotate the solar modules
  • No need to consider the angle of the vehicle when parked
  • Provides continuous power, even when driving
  • Less racking hardware required
  • Faster installation

PROS: Effortless maintenance, completely quiet, the most renewable and cost-effective power source on the market, perfect for self-containment and state parks, initial investment will more than pay for itself over and over, and we can even remove it and install it on a new vehicle!

Request an Appointment today!

Our Favorite Expion 360 Products

e360 | 60 Ah Lithium Battery

Engineered with LiFePO4 chemistry, an advanced lithium technology that optimizes power and performance, the e360 battery strikes the perfect balance between price and performance. The Group 24 is available in 60 Ah, 80 Ah, and 95 Ah. You’ll be able to charge faster, stay longer and go further with this essential RV/Marine power upgrade.

  • LiFePO4 TechnologyThe gold standard in lithium chemistry, LiFePO4 ensures peak performance.

  • 12-Year Warranty: Industry leading warranty keeps you covered for the long run.

  • American Power: Designed, engineered, and distributed in the USA.

e360 | 80 Ah Lithium Battery

Engineered with LiFePO4 chemistry, an advanced lithium technology that optimizes power and performance, the e360 battery strikes the perfect balance between price and performance. The Group 24 is available in 60 Ah, 80 Ah, and 95 Ah. You’ll be able to charge faster, stay longer and go further with this essential RV/Marine power upgrade.

  • LiFePO4 TechnologyThe gold standard in lithium chemistry, LiFePO4 ensures peak performance.

  • 12-Year Warranty: Industry leading warranty keeps you covered for the long run.

  • American Power: Designed, engineered, and distributed in the USA.

e360 Extreme Density | 95 Ah Lithium Battery

Engineered with LiFePO4 chemistry, an advanced lithium technology that optimizes power and performance, the e360 battery strikes the perfect balance between price and performance. The Group 24 is available in 60 Ah, 80 Ah, and 95 Ah. You’ll be able to charge faster, stay longer and go further with this essential RV/Marine power upgrade.

  • LiFePO4 TechnologyThe gold standard in lithium chemistry, LiFePO4 ensures peak performance.

  • 12-Year Warranty: Industry leading warranty keeps you covered for the long run.

  • American Power: Designed, engineered, and distributed in the USA.

e360 | 100 Ah Lithium Battery

Engineered with LiFePO4 chemistry, an advanced lithium technology that optimizes power and performance, the e360 battery strikes the perfect balance between price and performance. The Group 27 is available in 100 Ah and 120 Ah. You’ll be able to charge faster, stay longer and go further with this essential RV/Marine power upgrade.

  • LiFePO4 TechnologyThe gold standard in lithium chemistry, LiFePO4 ensures peak performance.

  • 12-Year Warranty: Industry leading warranty keeps you covered for the long run.

  • American Power: Designed, engineered, and distributed in the USA. 

e360 Extreme Density | 120 Ah Lithium Battery

Engineered with LiFePO4 chemistry, an advanced lithium technology that optimizes power and performance, the e360 battery strikes the perfect balance between price and performance. The Group 27 is available in 100 Ah and 120 Ah. You’ll be able to charge faster, stay longer and go further with this essential RV/Marine power upgrade.

  • LiFePO4 TechnologyThe gold standard in lithium chemistry, LiFePO4 ensures peak performance.

  • 12-Year Warranty: Industry leading warranty keeps you covered for the long run.

  • American Power: Designed, engineered, and distributed in the USA.

e360 Extreme Density | 360 Ah Lithium Battery

Engineered with LiFePO4 chemistry, an advanced lithium technology that optimizes power and performance, the e360 Extreme Density 360 is available in 360 Ah version. You’ll be able to charge faster, stay longer, and go further with this ultimate RV/Marine power upgrade.

  • LiFePO4 TechnologyThe gold standard in lithium chemistry, LiFePO4 ensures peak performance.

  • 12-Year Warranty: Industry leading warranty keeps you covered for the long run.

  • American Power: Designed, engineered, and distributed in the USA.

Our Favorite Victron Products

VE. Bus Smart Dongle

When installed, use the VictronConnect App to monitor operation and also operate the system: change the input current limit as well as switch between Off, On and Charger-only modes. Secondly it can work as a Voltage- and Temperature-sense device for the inverter/charger. This works with all models.

Venus GX: Panels and System Monitoring

Venus allows you to talk to all components in your system and ensure they are working in harmony. Monitoring of live data, and changing settings is performed by using your smartphone (or other device) via our free-to-use Victron Remote Management Portal.

Cerbo GX: Panels & System Monitoring

Instantly monitor the battery state of charge, power consumption, power harvest from PV, generator, and mains, or check tank levels and temperature measurements. Easily control the shore power input current limit, (auto)start/stop generator(s) or change any setting to optimise the system. Follow up on alerts, perform diagnostic checks and resolve challenges remotely. The Cerbo GX turns any power challenge into an effortless experience.


GX Touch 50 & GX Touch 70: Panels & System Monitoring

The five inch and seven inch touch screen displays give an instant overview of your Cerbo GX system and allow to adjust settings in the blink of an eye. 

Smart Shunt: The Smart Battery Shunt

The SmartShunt is an all in one battery monitor, only without a display. Your phone acts as the display. The SmartShunt connects via Bluetooth to the VictronConnect App on your phone (or tablet) and you can conveniently read out all monitored battery parameters.

SmartSolar Control Display

The SmartSolar Control Display is a pluggable LCD display for the SmartSolar Charge Controllers.

MPPT Solar Charge Controllers

In MPPT model names, for example MPPT 75/50, the first number is the maximum PV open circuit voltage. The second number, 50, is the maximum charge current.

BMV-712 Smart

With Bluetooth built-in, the BMV Smart is ready to go!

VictronConnect App

Use the VictronConnect App to configure, monitor, update and diagnose your Victron product. Available for Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS X. 

Our Favorite Battle Born Batteries Products

Battle Born 100 Ah 12V LiFePO4 Deep Cycle Battery

The 100 Ah 12 V LiFePO4 Deep Cycle battery has a life expectancy of 3000-5000 cycles* with a 100 Amp Continuous current, 200 Amp Surge Current (30 seconds), and ½ second surge for higher loads.

Battle Born 270Ah 12V LiFePO4 Deep Cycle GC3 Battery

Rather than adhering to a traditional battery size that needs to fit in a battery box to allow for ventilation from off-gassing, this battery can be placed anywhere.

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